T-10 or 11 Days

Yep, you read that right. We have ADDED days to the countdown. We need to get the clear to close at least 3 business days before the actual closing date. Apparently my lender only just sent out the paperwork to PHFA (the program that makes my loan possible) and they will likely take 5 business days to review the loan. So our hope now is that we get the clear to close on Monday to schedule closing for next Friday, May 11.

Problem? I have an all day seminar that day that is mandatory, and I am not sure if its something I can make up (hence mandatory). Thankfully, the teacher who is in charge of organizing it this year is really laid back and understanding, so I emailed her to see if it was possible or what the repercussions would be if I missed it. Honestly, I can't stand these sessions when we do have them, they are usually just one afternoon. They are boring as all get out and I rarely actually learn anything useful. But if its mandatory, I also asked her if it was possible to miss actual class on Thursday. But seeing as to how that is our last class for the entire semester, and we will probably be reviewing 2 tests, I really rather miss the seminar. 

Other problem. My school schedule gets crazy after this weekend. Its literally a flurry of test after test. I have 8, EIGHT tests scheduled in the next 31 days. And I also have 2 papers due. Pardon my French but FML!!! As soon as I got home from hearing the news, I spent the next hour on the phone rescheduling the refrigerator deliver, phone, Internet, and TV installation. 

Two pros at least. For one,  every day closing is delayed, we save $13 on interest while still not having to pay mortgage until July 1st. Two, Tony was going to have to work this weekend anyway, at least on Saturday, so now he can work on Saturday without issues, will likely work Sunday for double time, and then have all of next weekend off for moving. 

What would make this gal so much happier?? I would love NOTHING MORE than to get a clear to close on Friday so I can go shopping at IKEA over the weekend. I could use some serious retail therapy right now. Case in point: while I was writing this Sunshine came into the room and knocked down a closet door we have to re-install. She knocked it right into Tony's bedside drawer, which she has already pulled out/damaged twice before. The drawer slide broke completely, now I need to order a new one and re-install. Then, she came over to my side of the bed, picked up the soda bottle on my bedside drawer, and promptly proceeded to drop the bottle spewing soda all over my carpet. Not 2 minutes later I hear Sunshine and Bella Bear arguing and Bella hits her for being annoying. This literally happened in the span of 4 minutes. 

If we don't get a clear to close by Friday I'm not sure its worth risking a trip to IKEA. Its a 90 minute trip each way, and if the universe dumps on us again and this falls apart, I really don't have to have to spend another 3 hours in the car to return what will likely be about $700 worth of items. So if I do not go this weekend, I probably wont be able to go until the Thursday after we close. The two main reasons I am going to IKEA are for a bed frame and the kitchen counter tops. Its highly unlikely that I will be able to work on the kitchen the weekend right after closing because Kayla has her recital on Saturday, so we will probably be moving the big bulky stuff on Sunday, unless my dad gets the truck for Saturday afternoon/evening. So it just means a few days of sleeping on a mattress on the floor which is not a big deal at all. Frankly, its probably for the best anyway because neither of our cars can fit the bed and counter tops comfortably. 

So right now the timeline looks like this:
  • Close 5/10 or 5/11
  • 5/11 (Friday) clean before/after dress rehearsal
  • 5/12: (Saturday) Move small boxes before/after dance recital, maybe paint
  • 5/13: (Sunday) Move with truck & Fridge delivery
  • 5/14: (Monday) Test, paper due, Internet, Phone & TV installation
  • 5/17: (Thursday) IKEA
  • 5/19: (Saturday) Knoebels
  • 5/20: (Sunday) Kitchen installation ??
Somebody saaaaaaave meeeee...........


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