
Showing posts from May, 2018


As of about 3:55pm today we are officially homeowners. I can scarcely believe it. It doesn't quite feel real. Since there was no school and I had to take Sunshine to a dance dress rehearsal later in the day we ended up bringing both of the girls to closing. It was actually kind of painless. In fact, I was busy telling Sunshine and Bella Bear something and I totally missed when we were done! I was genuinely surprised it was over! Our monthly payment ended up being a little lower than expected. In fact, we are paying about $150 LESS for our mortgage than we do our house for twice the space and a huge backyard. Our lender let us know that just by making an extra $40 a month payment towards our mortgage principal , we would shave 5 years off our loan! After closing, we filled our little cars with little boxes and headed to our new abode. I cleaned and unpacked a handful of boxes but still, it's not really connecting that this place is mine to do what I wish. I have so so so man