Twiddling My Thumbs

This morning, my agent let me know that the seller was going to accept our offer minus a few appliances, and that we should have the contract by end of day! So basically exactly what they asked for. We are getting the regular electric stove and the coal pellet stove. She let me know around 7:30/8 this morning and even though the girls had a two hour delay there was no way I was going back to sleep!

Waiting the rest of the day wasn't too bad. Got the girls off to school. bought the money order for the earnest money deposit, and went to my good friend's house where I spent most of the afternoon, talking and drinking wine. We may or may have not taken a drive past the house in a bit of a stalker mode. 

However, it is now almost 11 PM and my agent hasn't received the contract yet. All I can hope for is that we get it some time tomorrow, because I schedule the inspection for 11 AM Saturday! I must remember to bring the tape measure with me. 

I'm stuck between elation, panic, and anxiety. I am in school full time, work 3/4 time, kids in dance and activities, etc. I am BUSY. But now I also have to pack, And I have to start planning out what furniture and items we will need to buy. I will make it a goal to either pack a box a day or clean out a closet or dresser a day. But I will try to wait at least until Saturday after the inspection before I start. I'd hate to start packing and then find something horrible on the inspection. 

Mind you, I have a pharmacology test tomorrow that I haven't studied for. And I have homework and clinical paperwork due on Monday. And another test on Monday. And a paper due on Thursday. There are only 39 more days left of this semester. And then if the universe should choose to bless me 43 days until closing.  How did this happen? Granted, I saw this coming. I called it, once we returned from Christmas vacation, this semester would fly. But I haven't really gotten in the groove of being back in school. I feel disoriented, like I am just hanging along for the ride. 

Let me get back to my clinical paperwork, which is hella late.....


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