It's Time

Ugh, I am so behind on life. School got cancelled for Sunshine and thank goodness for me too. I was supposed to be doing prepwork for nursing school last night, but I instead was scrolling through Pinterest on searching for ideas and inspiration. Yep, on a house that I do not yet have. I have SO many projects planned for this space already, I can't even decide what's first.

So, the lender approval we were waiting for came through yesterday!!!! I managed to half pay attention in class, and while I was on the computer looking up information I got the call. When I was done I literally did a happy dance in my school hallway. No one was watching though. It was the exact loan product we were looking for. Conventional loan, only 3% down, 3% seller assist, and a 2nd loan to help pay for closing costs!! Our total out of pocket costs are less than $2500, and at least half of that will be prepaid in between the earnest money deposit, the inspection, and the appraisal.

Unfortunately, the seller could not find the previous inspection report. So we are going to go ahead and do one to be safe, especially because the owner is willing to make whatever repairs he can. This makes closing by March 1-5 likely nearly impossible, but even if we can close the following week, I can spend my spring break packing, cleaning and organizing. Unless by some miracle he accepts the offer tomorrow and we can get the inspection the next day.

Guess where I am off to in an hour? We are going to go sign the offer letter!! I am beyond excited. Part of the reason I started this blog is to vent my feelings, because otherwise I would be talking about this all day every day.


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