Well That Was Fast, Is it Possible? THE House

OK  lots of blogs posts in one day, I know. But I am filled with so much anxiety I need somewhere to express all this energy. I don't want to blurt this out all over Facebook because well, if this fails, I don't really want all of my business out there. 

"Hold up Jen, you don't want to put all your business out there yet you are writing about this on a blog?" Ridiculous I know, but hear me out. No one is reading this right now. This blog, for now, is just my personal journal. And probably by the time I decide to start sharing my blog with friends and Facebook, the home purchase will be complete and it will be more of me cataloging my DIY stuff and house updates. 

Back to the post. Our original goal date for closing was April 15 right? So we started looking at houses for the 1st time yesterday. Due to our meager budget, our choices are pretty limited. Before we actually went out, literally a few DAYS prior, there was this one seemingly great house that went on the market for way under our budget. I compulsively added it to my favorite lists on all 3 of my real estate apps (don't judge me). Of course, the DAY before we were going to see it, they signed a contract on it. Grrrrrr. So, we went to see ALL of 5 houses on our list that fit our budget and requirements. 

There was one that had the most amount of space and rooms that would fit us all comfortably and it was within our budget. But good grief the pictures! The wood paneling made me cringe and cry. I told that to Tony before I showed him the pictures. And he was all like "it can't be that bad, we can just paint it". Then I showed him the pictures and he was like "oh, that's a lot of wood paneling". The walls looked warped. The ceiling low, the rooms dark. Don't believe me:

Doesn't that make you cringe just a little?!!!
But we went to see it anyway. It was the 2nd house we saw. The actual space is great. You know how I complained that one of my biggest issues with my apartment is space? Well this one has MORE than enough. Both inside and outside. My brother will have his own room on a separate floor, I will have a separate office, and the girls would still share a room. B-Bear and Sunshine are 4 and 6. They fight as hard as they love, and both of them are ok with sharing a room; its also all they've ever known. I'm sure that by the time my Sunshine will start wanting her own room, my brother will be on his own and we can give that to her. 

Even if he's still there, the **walk up** attic is HUGE and can absolutely be finished. I actually hope it can be finished to code to officially count as another bedroom!! The basement will be great for storage but it has a lot of divisions ,low head clearance, and is dark and dingy so that is all its good for. The yard is also a great space with a small deck and is fenced in with a shed. There is no garage, but there is off street parking for 2 cars and street parking for 2 more. The kitchen. Well, it leaves a lot to be desired. But it functions and again is a nice sized space. Which also means that its a great place to build equity. Again, can you hear my DIY heart jumping for joy at the thought of remodeling a kitchen. 

So the horrible pictures probably worked to our favor. I wonder how many people never bothered to look at this house because of the pictures. I mean the carpet looked old and there were cats toys all over the pictures. Even cats in cribs!! I was really happy when I walked into the house and lo and behold, no cat smell. And actually just a really fat, friendly, fluffy, black cat that 6 year old Sunshine became obsessed with the whole time we were there. 

And Tony LOVES IT. I was really, really surprised. Very happily so. After seeing all 5 houses on our list, he is actually ready to move ahead with this. Mr. I like to take things slow and don't like change is ready to make an offer. Where is my husband and who is this person that replaced him??

So, tomorrow we are going back to look at the house and this time bringing both girls and more importantly my dad. I hope my dad will point out any major flaws or things he notices that would make the house not worth buying. I don't want to waste $500 on an inspection if my dad can find something. But if my dad doesn't find anything big, we are going to put in an offer as soon as the pre approval from the final lender comes in. 

So, POTENTIALLY, because the universe tends to laugh at my plans, it could happen like this:

Sunday- see the house with Pop-pop
Monday- get preapproval with lender
Wednesday- submit offer
Hopefully offer is accepted by 1/20
Say we sign disclosures and our intent to move forward with loan by 1/25?
If we close on the loan in 50 days, we could potentially be looking at a close date of March 15, 2018. 

Which is perfect, because our apartment lease is over in February. I am wondering how close I should cut it with the lease, given that we will have a 1 month reprieve before our 1st loan payment is due. 
I want to say f-it, and make March our last month, but I should be reasonable and just make it April, so we would have 6 weeks to adjust for any delays in closing + moving while I am in school. Because I kinda hate it when other people pack and unpack. And I kinda also like to be the one to assemble new furniture because I am anal like that. There are no men in my life that read instructions. 

Its impossible, I KNOW. But it would be SO SO SO much better if we could close March 1. SOOOOO much. Because my spring break is March 3-11. Which would allow me to actually move while NOT in school. Mother Universe do you hear me?? This would require a whole bunch of shit to fall into place. 
  • The preapproval would come in on Monday early enough to sign an offer ON or Tuesday
  • Tony qualifies for the loan with his 2016 income so that we don't have to wait for the lender to get tax transcripts for proof of his 2017 income. 
  • If he does need his 2017 income to qualify, it would be really hard to accomplish, unless the IRS miraculously has his tax transcripts ready 2 weeks after he files and the lender/underwriter uses an online service to get said transcript in a matter of a few days
However, like I said, the Universe and I haven't been on the best of terms lately. Regardless, I told our lender that we wanted to make an offer, so I hope that prioritizes our pre approval. I'll probably be back tomorrow with results of what my dad says about the place.  


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