T-26 days

Well really, according to a countdown site I have bookmarked, its 25 days and 4 hours. Can you tell I'm getting just a teensy bit antsy? I emailed the loan officer's assistant yesterday to see if there was anything else missing and a concern about some deposits (basically my paychecks) that a previous lender had me write a letter to explain. And I realize that I **did** basically gift Tony the $1000 already, because there was a check of mine he was supposed to send but kept back in December. 

When she contacts me again I am also going to ask for more clarification on the timeline and if i still seems at all reasonable to close on 3/2. The appraisal will soon be ordered if it hasn't already, so at this point I think we are waiting for underwriting and a title search. 

Also, on Friday, I scored a deal on some wall cabinets. I just so happened to be on Facebook when someone posted about a regular 2-door wall cabinet plus two short ones (like the ones that go over a fridge or over a stove. I got all 3 for $30. Can you say deal? I didn't really need the two short ones, but I figure I should be able to come up with some use for them, I know for sure I will use at least one, but the doors are different, so not sure how I am going to address that. As far as the regular wall cabinet, if I end up not needing it in the kitchen, I will use it in the laundry room for sure!

We were *sort of* snowed in today. Not much, 3-6 inches, but I hate going outside unless I have to when its actively snowing. Plus when its all cloudy I lose ALL motivation. As a result, I am ashamed to admit that I have probably spent half of today simply browsing Pinterest and getting ideas for stuff. Probably not the best idea considering I have to go to Medication sheets for clinical paperwork and study for an endocrine test that I may or may not have in about 13 hours. I still can't suss out if school will proceed as normal, or if we will have a 2 hours delay, or if school will be closed. All other schools are on a 2 hour delay, but since my school is not a formal or large college, nor is it part of any school system, we are ALWAYS last to be notified of any delays or closings. ALWAYS. My guess is I will be getting a message around 6 tomorrow morning. 

OK really, I have to stop procrastinating. Let me go finish my homework and order some food since its apparent that I am not cooking.


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