Hope Despite it All

There is hope still.

It took a couple of weeks, but Tony found another job, for the same pay, at another factory. Its actually for an employer who actually seems decent (much better than his previous job at least), pays double time on Sunday, has good benefits; Tony is really excited to start. If all goes well, he should be starting in less than 3 weeks the latest.

So doing a worse case scenario time frame, this means his first check is 4/6, which means he would have 30 days of paystubs on 5/6. Which would put closing on or after 5/6. I really REALLY hate the thought of also having to pay May rent for our apartment but at this point I don't care. So say closing date of 5/10, which is quite possibly the worst thing ever, because my final for this trimester is on 5/31. Holy crunch time. 

If the universe would bless us, which is doubtful, if he could start a week earlier, on 3/19, then his first check would be 3/30, which could potentially have us closing on 4/28 or so. Which would mean trying to move in one or two days, which I mean sounds horrible, but I have moved in 2 days before so it is doable, especially with my brother around and my dad borrowing a truck. And I will be in school anyway regardless, so its not like I will have to time to leisurely unpack and paint like I would have originally done had we moved this week during my break. 

Now, Tony got his offer letter, but everything is still pending background check and drug test. Things are just nail biting hoping that nothing comes up in his background check (he has had some identity confusion issues in the past). 

I just had to nicely inform Tony, while cursing him out in my head, that he had to sign and return the offer letter and a few other documents included in the email they sent him. I want to yell at him for being a procrastinator on something so important, but I am often guilty of the same thing so I cant really talk. 

Anyhow, today for the first time, I allowed myself to feel hope. After feeling crushed and I admit, being on the most unhealthiest eating streak of my life, I am allowing myself to feel that this *might* work out. For the first time in 3 weeks I looked at the pictures of the house and today I allowed myself to surf Pinterest with projects in mind. I probably shouldn't, but I'll hope despite it all anyway.


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