Waiting Waiting Waiting

Gah. How can time be passing so slowly and so quickly at the same time? As of today we are 40 days from closing. We made the grown up and logical decision to close May 4th. Our lender was going to try to close for April 30th, which would have given Tony his 30 days of pay stubs, but there is NO way we are moving in one day, on a Monday no less, on which date I also have a test. 

If we had stayed with a closing date of April 30th, we would have to pay May rent regardless, then our first mortgage payment would be June, which means no breaks. So by making the closing date May 4th, while we have to pay about $365 in interest, our first mortgage payment isn't due until July, which saves us $300. Plus, we would have both the house and the apartment for all of May, which means we could take our sweet time moving and fixing up the apartment before turning over the keys. 

Another development which is a blessing but throws a bit of a wrench in my plans for the house, my sister may be coming to live with us as well! Living in a big city as a young adult is every teenager's dream, but after you max out of credit cards, and the jobs you went to school for dont pay your bills, and student loans come a-knockin' with big city rent to pay, something's gotta give. BTDT. Exactly how I ended up in PA to begin with. 

Now, I love my sister. And she is great with my kids, and she is smart and responsible. I dont know how I would have survived after having my youngest if she hadnt stayed with me for a whole MONTH. She waited on me hand and foot for a month. As broke as we were, that was the best post partum experience I could have asked for. I have ZERO hesitation in letting my sister move in with me so she can get back on her feet. But, now I have to find another place for my "office".

Which means that I am likely back to having my computer downstairs somewhere in the living/dining room. Which also means I don't have a space for my sewing/crafting supplies. Which means that finishing the attic just became a little bit more of a priority. But that is not a small project by any means. This means some detailed planning, and most definitely pulling of permits. This is not a cheap project. I would LOVE LOVE to make this my real summer project so I can have an office when school rolls around again for August, but I am not sure if this will be something I can afford though. This project means some framing to separate the attic and create knee walls, insulation, running electrical, and drywall. I'm guessing insulation alone is going to run me at LEAST $1000. Never mind being able to add heating/cooling. That's another $1500 for a mini split system, because I dont think I can afford to add another zone to the existing heating system. Oof. I am guesstimating that this is in the $3-5000 range to finish. My kitchen redo is going to run me about $3000 (but this includes appliances). Plus we have to finish the gutters, which is more important. 

Any-who, I am excited to wake up tomorrow and my countdown app show under 40 days. I do want to ask my real estate agent if I can take another tour of the house sans kids. I want to take more measurements and lots more pictures.  Plus, Tony starts his new job tomorrow!! This week he has to work first shift for training and will get his schedule. I think things will pick up a little more after next week. A week from tomorrow is my first test, and it seems I have a test or assignment or paper due once or twice a week after that. I really should get a head start. At least that is what I always say but never do. LMAO. Ta-ta for now, lest I start rambling again. 


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