1 Month Countdown T-29

We are at T-29 days. The first time we were going through this, things fell apart at 24 days prior to closing. Plus at that time we hadn't been submitted to underwriting either nor ordered the appraisal. We were submitted to underwriting day before yesterday. I am hopeful for a conditional approval, which means we would still need Tony's checks as they come in, and that the appraisal comes back ok. I'm hella nervous, and waiting sucks. 

Tony gets his first check tomorrow, and he's loving his new job. Meanwhile I'm over here soon to be drowning in laundry detergent, hand soap, and body wash! Its hard to believe that we wont have to buy these things ever again, at least not while Tony is gainfully employed here. #winning. 

However, I am neck deep in school work and work work. I dont know how I am going to make the time to pack and clean all over again. Granted, we have the whole month of May, but things are only going to get more intense for me at school. IDK, one day at a time I guess. 

My friend fosters cats, and right now she is fostering two mama cats that just gave birth. I showed the girls the pics and I think we decided to adopt one of the striped ones as soon as we close!
Isn't she a beauty?
And with that I bid you goodnight. Off to study pharmacology for my test tomorrow. 


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